Spring Boot
- Spring Boot의 주요 feature
1. Spring Boot starters
- Spring Boot starters는 하나의 dependency로 필요한 많은 공통의 의존성을 모아놓은 것이다.
- Maven이나 Gradle에서 간단히 추가해서 사용할 수 있다.
2. Autoconfiguration
- Autoconfiguration은 Spring 4.0에서 지원되는 조건적 설정과 함께 필요한 설정을 자동추가한다.
3. Command-line interface (CLI)
- CLI는 Groovy 개발자에게 자동 설정과 스프링 개발을 단순하게 해주는 기능을 제공한다.
4. Actuator
- Actuator는 Spring Boot에 대해서 관리 기능을 제공해준다.
- Spring Boot 시작 패키지 다운로드 받기.
http://start.spring.io- 프로젝트 생성하기.
1. Generate a [Gradle Project | Maven Project] 에서 필요한 프로젝트 관리 도구를 선택하자.
2. 프로젝트 기본항목 설정하기. :
Group : com.kido.media
Artifact : springboot-tutorial
Name : springboot-tutorial
Description : Demo project for Spring Boot
Package Name : com.kido.media
Packaging : Jar [War]
Java Version : 1.8
Language : Java
3. 필요한 Dependency 추가하기.
- Switch back to the simple version 을 누르면 필요한 Dependency를 추가할 수 있다.3.1 Core Dependency
Secure your application via spring-security
Aspect-oriented programming including spring-aop and AspectJ
JTA distributed transactions via Atomikos
JTA distributed transactions via Bitronix
Spring's Cache abstraction
Spring Boot Development Tools
JSR-303 validation infrastructure (already included with web)
Full-stack web development with Tomcat and Spring MVC
Websocket development with SockJS and STOMP
Contract-first SOAP service development with Spring Web Services
the Jersey RESTful Web Services framework
Spring Boot integration for the Ratpack framework
Exposing Spring Data repositories over REST via spring-data-rest-webmvc
HATEOAS-based RESTful services
Browsing Spring Data REST repositories with an HTML UI
Simplify the development of mobile web applications with spring-mobile
Document RESTful services by combining hand-written and auto-generated documentation
Template Engines
FreeMarker templating engine
Velocity templating engine
Groovy templating engine
Thymeleaf templating engine, including integration with Spring
Mustache templating engine
JDBC databases
Java Persistence API including spring-data-jpa, spring-orm and Hibernate
Persistence support using Java Object Oriented Querying
MongoDB NoSQL Database, including spring-data-mongodb
Cassandra NoSQL Database, including spring-data-cassandra
REDIS key-value data store, including spring-redis
GemFire distributed data store including spring-data-gemfire
Apache Solr search platform, including spring-data-solr
Elasticsearch search and analytics engine including spring-data-elasticsearch
Cloud Core
Simplifies connecting to services in cloud platforms, including spring-cloud-connector and spring-cloud-cloudfoundry-connector
spring-cloud-context (e.g. Bootstrap context and @RefreshScope)
Secure load balancing and routing with spring-cloud-security
OAuth2 and distributed application patterns with spring-cloud-security
Cloud Config
spring-cloud-config Client
Central management for configuration via a git or svn backend
Configuration management with Zookeeper and spring-cloud-zookeeper-config
Configuration management with Hashicorp Consul
Cloud Discovery
Service discovery using spring-cloud-netflix and Eureka
spring-cloud-netflix Eureka Server
Service discovery with Zookeeper and spring-cloud-zookeeper-discovery
Service discovery with Cloud Foundry
Service discovery with Hashicorp Consul
Cloud Routing
Intelligent and programmable routing with spring-cloud-netflix Zuul
Client side load balancing with spring-cloud-netflix and Ribbon
Declarative REST clients with spring-cloud-netflix Feign
Cloud Circuit Breaker
Circuit breaker with spring-cloud-netflix Hystrix
Circuit breaker dashboard with spring-cloud-netflix Hystrix
Circuit breaker metric aggregation using spring-cloud-netflix with Turbine and server-sent events
Circuit breaker metric aggregation using spring-cloud-netflix with Turbine and Spring Cloud Stream (choose a specific Stream binder implementation to complement this)
Cloud Tracing
Distributed tracing via logs with spring-cloud-sleuth
Distributed tracing via Zipkin and spring-cloud-sleuth-zipkin
Cloud Messaging
A simple control bus with AMQP and spring-cloud-bus-amqp
A simple control bus with Redis and spring-cloud-bus
A simple control bus with Kafka and spring-cloud-bus
Inter instance control events with Hashicorp Consul
Messaging microservices with RabbitMQ
Messaging microservices with Redis
Messaging microservices with Kafka
Cloud AWS
AWS native services from spring-cloud-aws
Relational databases on AWS with RDS and spring-cloud-aws-jdbc
Messaging on AWS with SQS and spring-cloud-aws-messaging
Cloud Cluster
Leadership election and global state with Redis and spring-cloud-cluster-redis
Leadership election and global state with Zookeeper and spring-cloud-cluster-zookeeper
Leadership election and global state with Hazelcast and spring-cloud-cluster-hazelcast
H2 database (with embedded support)
HSQLDB database (with embedded support)
Apache Derby database (with embedded support)
MySQL jdbc driver
PostgreSQL jdbc driver
Spring Batch including HSQLDB database
Common spring-integration modules
Activiti BPMN workflow engine
Java Message Service API via Apache Artemis
Java Message Service API via HornetQ
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol via spring-rabbit
Production ready features to help you monitor and manage your application
API documentation for the Actuator endpoints
CRaSH shell integration
우리는 여기서 Web, JPA 를 추가할 것이다.